Vitamin D

HELLO SEXY PEOPLE! Vitamin D here, a.k.a. your new best friend! When I’m not at the beach, I’m at home organizing my bikini collection, or otherwise flip-flopping my way through the 954, the 561, and the 305 on a mission to find the best concerts, comedians, clubs, chaos, fascinating people, and all-around good times. Hope you dig! :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Jamie Foxx Knows Where The Party's At

Jamie Foxx hollered at us and this is what he had to say:

So where are you right now?
I’m in Los Angeles on Susnset Boulevard, looking at the sun shine – I’m in my office.

So, you’re an actor, comedian, singer… you do it all!
I’m an actor, a singer, a painter, a table tennis connoisseur –

Table tennis?!?
I love table tennis!

Who would win in a battle between you and Forrest Gump?
Man, Gump would have to get his self together!

Acting was first, comedy second, and singing third – is that right?
I started out as standup, and that led to acting.

And then you threw singing in for the hell of it and scopped up all the Grammys.
It’s been a wobnderful ride!

And now you have a Sirius channel of your own? Tell me about that.
Sirius radio -- 106 The Foxxhole! Although it seems like we’re doing a lot, we have a lot more ideas, we just sometimes don’t have any place to get it done. So this is gonna be uncensored radio theatre. We can do our characters, our funny songs, commentary – and really just have fun. Unbridled fun. And do it in such a way that we make it a lifestyle. We give people a voice. We’re bringing people on, and we’re gonna do it in the most provocative way -- let your hair down – movin’ and groovin’.

And you’ll be on there yourself, talking?
Yeah, yeah! I always have a studio with me – on the bus, in the house. It’s also set up for radio capabilities so we can do it in the house, in the studio. It’s the greatest thing.

Wow! You must never sleep.
Oh, I get my sleep on!

How does it feel to be the Leonardo Da Vinci of our time?
It feels good to be able to do it – but we always try to pay attention, to do it our best. If cant do it our best, we don’t do it at all. And by we, I mean my management team here on Sunset. It’s always a happy time.

Like Mc Donald’s!
Like McDonald’s! I wasn’t quite thinking that, but okay!

And you got this far without Simon Cowell’s help!

Do you watch American Idol?
I love watching – well the part I love is the beginning with all the people who can’t sing!

Have you met Fantasia yet? Tell me about her.
Fantasia has a great show. She’s absolutely incredible. She opens up and sets the tone as far as showmanship. She’s incredible.

What’s she like in person?
She’s the greatest – she’s a southern gal, like myself. I’m from Texas; she’s from North Kakalacka.

And you’re coming to Miami together on tour – what’s your act ike? Part comedy, part singing?
We got 35 minutes of comedy – some funny stuff. Then I disappear for a minute and say, ‘Fellas, you can stick around if you want to, but this is for the ladies. I dedicate it to the women – who are tired of too much hip hop, tired of being left out of the equation. And we bring em back into the equation, like southern gentlemen.

Wow, you must have Barry White shaking in his shoes.
Barry White could never shake in his shoes, baby! I’ve seen him perform and let me tell you, he was incredinle – god blesshim. But we do take his spirit. The women get up on their chairs and get sung to – and for the menfolk, there’s a part in my show where we sing to the ladies. Guys turn to their girls and sing to them.

What will you be doing, party-wise, for the Super Bowl? I know you’re the aficionado of all things party.
There it is. There it is. It’s gonna go down. All the people headed to the Super Bowl – look up JamieFoxx at – all the info is gonna be on there. We gotta keep it kinda discreet – we’re only gonna [announce] it once we get down there. Want everyone to go to the show first, and then we’ll announce the great afterparty – the type people read about and go, dang I couldn’t get in!

When your in Miami, do you feel like putting on your pink blazer, all Miami Vice, like Tubbs?
Uh, no. (laughs) I do feel at home in Miami – it’s a real good vibe. I don’t keep a house there, but I keep a family down there.

Is it true that you like to pour vodka on the ladies?
No. no not true! (laughs) Don’t let them tell you those things! It’s ridiculous! It’s not vodka! (laughs) No, we just have a great time.

Tell me about your relationship with the paparazzi.
Don’t have a relationship with them.

Do they bother you?
Not at all.

What else is new?
Kindgom will be out soon, with Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman and Chris Cooper.

OK, see ya when you get here.
All right, baby.